DOI: 10.1039/d2rp00033d
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Development of pre-service chemistry teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through mentoring

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop pre-service chemistry teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) regarding atoms and the periodic table via mentoring. Two pre-service chemistry teachers with different levels of academic achievement participated in the study. The development of the participants’ PCK was investigated in terms of the following components: orientations toward science teaching, knowledge of curriculum, knowledge of instructional strategies, knowledge of learners, and knowledge of assess… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 88 publications
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“…Considering the properties of matter, teaching about and how they interact to form products require content knowledge and appropriate pedagogical strategies. However, one of the challenges that have been found in today's chemistry education is the effective instructional strategies (Can-Kucuk et al, 2022;Gilagu, 2019;Jammeh et al, 2022a;Yitbareh, 2011), and adequate laboratory resources (Igaro et al, 2011). The consequence is learning misconceptions, particularly in balancing basic stoichiometry (Yitbareh, 2011).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Considering the properties of matter, teaching about and how they interact to form products require content knowledge and appropriate pedagogical strategies. However, one of the challenges that have been found in today's chemistry education is the effective instructional strategies (Can-Kucuk et al, 2022;Gilagu, 2019;Jammeh et al, 2022a;Yitbareh, 2011), and adequate laboratory resources (Igaro et al, 2011). The consequence is learning misconceptions, particularly in balancing basic stoichiometry (Yitbareh, 2011).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mentoring helps new and novice teachers by facilitating knowledge and skill transfer from experienced mentors who have teaching experience as teachers or educators (Hobson et al, 2009;Spooner-2 / 13 Lane, 2017). By transferring expertise and adopting effective practices, teachers can enhance their teaching techniques, deepen their material understanding, and develop their instructional strategies, bridging the distance between their pedagogical content knowledge and classroom practices (Appleton, 2008;Barnett & Friedrichsen, 2015;Can-Kucuk et al, 2022). For example, mentors who are experienced and experts in teaching a specific discipline like biology, chemistry, and physics provide feedback to new and novice teachers based on their own experiences to assist them in identifying development opportunities, increasing their selfefficacy, developing their classroom practices, and pedagogical content knowledge (Hudson, 2004(Hudson, , 2014Roff, 2012).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this case, mentoring support by teachers' peers can yield greater employee satisfaction, positively affecting teacher retention (Maready et al, 2021), educational quality (Torrejón, 2022), and student outcomes (Graham & Jefferson, 2019). Research (Appleton, 2008;Can-Kucuk et al, 2022;Hudson, 2013) has indicated that the professional development and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers and educators are accelerated by mentoring. Mentoring helps teachers acquire knowledge and experience for problem-solving and decisionmaking during teaching (Hudson, 2010).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%