This study was focussed on identifying a cost-effective method for delimitation, monitoring and evaluation in bancroftian filariasis. Finger prick blood samples were collected between 20.00 and 23.00 hours for the detection of microfilariae (mf) from the available population in a village which was endemic for lymphatic filariasis. Simultaneously, from each individual, four spots of 25-μl blood samples were collected on Whatman number 3 filter paper and air dried. Dried filter paper spots were pooled in quantities of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 on unknown and simulated mf and antigen prevalence. Pooled samples were assayed for circulating filarial antigen (CFA) using TropBIO Og4C3 ELISA kits. The community mf and CFA rates were 3.4% and 25.9%, respectively. The pool sizes of 20 and 25 showed CFA positivity in all the above categories tested. The results of the pooled blood spot samples suggest that, in areas with mf and CFA prevalence rates between 1 and 10%, pools of 20 or 25 could be considered as the ideal pool size for the detection of filarial infection in the community. CFA prevalence at the level of 5-6% following desirable rounds of mass drug administration (MDA) indicates that the community mf prevalence is likely to be at the 1% level.