In the course of the study, the issues of providing personnel to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex were considered. It is shown that more than half of domestic enterprises have the problem of shortage of professional personnel. In agro-industrial enterprises, the proportion of workers who have vocational education is decreasing. Rural settlements are losing able-bodied residents, and enterprises have the problem of aging workers. The analysis of the reasons that lead to the outflow of rural residents was carried out. It is concluded that the important reasons for population outflow are the low salaries of workers and the difficult social and economic situation in rural areas in the Perm Territory. A targeted program for the development of rural areas is being implemented. It is aimed at solving the housing problem of workers, the construction of schools and preschool institutions, paramedic and obstetric facilities, modern sports facilities, and improving infrastructure in rural areas. The analysis of this program was carried out. We came to the conclusion that the main factors securing young people at these enterprises are their salaries and living conditions. To involve young personnel in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to provide them with modern housing and increase their salary to the average in the region. It is also necessary to develop an appropriate transport network in rural areas, build infrastructure facilities, and carry out technical re-equipment of production.