In this study, two dimensional finite volume model was parallelized to improve computing time, which has been developed to be able to apply for the mixed meshes of triangle and quadrilateral. MPI scheme which is free from limitation of the number of cores was applied, and non-blocking point-to-point communication was used for fluxes and time steps calculation domain. The developed model is applied to analyze dam break in a L-shaped experimental channel with 90°bend and Malpasset dam breach event to calibrate the consistency between parallelized model and existing model and examine the speed-up and efficiency of computing time. Computational speed-up about the size of the input data was considered by simulating 4 cases classified by the number of meshes, Consequently, the simulation results reached a satisfactory accuracy compared to measured data and the results from existing model, and achieved more than 3 times benefit of computational speed-up against computing time of existing model. Simulation results of 3 cases classified by the size of input data lead us to the conclusion that it is important to use proper size of input data and the number of process in order to minimize the communication overhead. keywords : 2D finite volume model, parallel programming, MPI, computing time, speed-up