, commonly known as Kadamba, is one of the economically important trees, which is being exploited for paper, pulp and wood industries, however uses of its fruits are not reported. In the present investigation the fruits were analysed for their proximate and mineral content at different stages of maturity, and the ripe fruit was used for nectar preparation. Proximate analysis of the ripe edible fruit showed that it is rich in fat (2.4%) and proteins (2.1%), and has calorific value of 103.7 kcal/100 g. The nectar prepared from the ripe fruits showed mean overall acceptability score of more than 6 indicating its suitability for nectar preparation. The shelf life of nectar was found to be 150 days at ambient conditions (28 ± 3 °C). The nectar was rich in minerals and antioxidants, and can be recommended for consumption by various age groups. However, studies are required to ascertain its physiological effect on consumers.