To remain competitive on the market with a developed product, it’s very important to analyze the manufacturing costs and times, from the concept stage of the product. Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) is one of the engineering methods that can be applied to reduce manufacturing costs and times, right from the design stage, without compromising product performance and reliability. The 3D modeling of the tray was made in Solidworks, and for the analysis of it’s manufacture and assembly, the Boothroyd and Dewhurst principle and recommendations from the DFMA software were followed. This paper presents a case study for a subassembly called a tray, used in automatic vertical storage systems. For the redesigned model, substantial improvements were obtained, through cost reductions of 12% and an increase in design efficiency from 4.86 to 12.03. Product analysis using DFMA has proven to be a key point in the development of a product that meets engineers.