“…A rapidly increasing body of research confirms links between a secure adolescent attachment organization and a range of indexes of adaptive functioning with peers. Adolescent attachment security has been linked to measures of broader social competence such as overall friendship quality, popularity, and social acceptance (Allen, Moore, Kuperminc, & Bell, 1998 ;Allen et al, in press;Zimmermann, 2004 ), as well as to functioning within close friendships with peers (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991 ;Hazan & Shaver, 1987 ;Lieberman et al, 1999 ;. Both self -report, interviewbased, and observational studies suggest that secure teens engage in high levels of prosocial and relationship maintaining behaviors with their friends, as well as low levels of negativity (e.g., Markiewicz, Doyle, & Brendgen, 2001 ;Wiemer, Kerns, & Oldenberg, 2004 ;Zimmermann, Maier, Winter, & Grossmann, 2001 ;Zimmermann, 2004 both by a " smooth conversational style " (e.g., low need for clarification of viewpoints) and by fewer statements challenging the other person (Weimer et al).…”