We synthesized C 18 -functionalized gold and palladium nanoparticles with average diameter size of 10 and 3 nm, respectively, and carried out a systematic study of the effect of nanoscale metallic fillers on the dewetting dynamics of PS/PMMA bilayer substrates. Optical and atomic force microscopies were used to study the hole growth and determine the viscosity of the films as a function of PS molecular weight, particle radius, and concentration. Neutron reflectivity was used to measure the effects of the nanoparticles on the tracer diffusion coefficient. X-ray reflectivity and TEM microscopy were used to study the distribution of the particles within the film and ensure that no segregation or clustering occurred. The results indicated that the dynamics are a sensitive function of the ratio between the filler radius, R particle , and the polymer radius of gyration, R g . The data were found to collapse on a universal curve where the relative velocity of the filled system was faster than that for the unfilled system when R g /R particle > 4 and slower when R g /R particle < 4. Shear modulation force microscopy method (SMFM) measurements were performed as a function of temperature and indicated that T g was depressed by 12°C relative to the bulk when R g /R panrticle > 4 and unchanged when R g /R particle < 4. The results were interpreted in terms of an increase in the local excluded volume and possible elastic distortions of the polymer matrix.
IntroductionNanoscale noble metal and metal oxide particles have been added to polymers for years to significantly enhance various properties such as UV absorption, electrical conductivity, and optical dispersion. 1-3 In contrast to bulk fillers, such as carbon black or silica, which are added in large quantities in order to reinforce structural properties, 4 the concentration of metallic particles required to affect the electronic response is often less than 5%. Therefore, it has always been assumed that these metal fillers have no effect on the rheological or mechanical properties. Furthermore, since these nanoparticles are coated with surfactants used as dispersants, it has been assumed that they do not interact with the polymer chains and hence do not affect properties such as viscosity, glass transition, or interfacial tensions. Thus, not much attention has been given to the effect of fillers on film stability, which is governed only by known differences in the surface and interfacial energy of the polymers.Recently, several authors have shown that dewetting can be greatly affected when strong interactions exist between the fillers and the substrate or the polymer matrix. Barnes et al. 5 have shown that the addition of C 60 can stabilize homopolymer films against dewetting. In this case, segregation of the C 60 filler to the substrate created a surface, which interacted strongly with the polymer and suppressed dewetting by pinning the polymer chains. This situation was also modeled by Gersappe et al. 6 Sharma et al. 7 have shown that when the filler interacts...