Вісник проблем біології і медицини -2024 -Вип. 1 (172) / Bulletin of problems in biology and medicine -2024 -Issue 1 (172)
518СТОМАТОЛОГІЯ / DENTISTRY the mandible (64.03%) was more frequently affected than the maxilla. 31.89% of lesions were in the maxilla, 3.57% in the maxilla and the maxillary sinus, and only 0.51% in the maxillary sinus. These results are comparable to data from. In our study, we evaluated the localization of all odontogenic cysts as well as individual cyst entities. According to our results, odontogenic cysts were mostly located in the mandibular molar region (37.9%) and the maxillary anterior tooth region (18.3%). These localizations were also the most affected jaw areas according to other sources.The study aimed to examine odontogenic cysts in adult and pediatric patients within an entire population and in two separate groups over an eleven-year period, using different criteria and comparing results with previous studies. Cases were evaluated based on cyst distribution, gender distribution, localization, treatment type, recurrence rate, and treatment of causative teeth. Radicular cysts and follicular cysts were more frequently diagnosed in this study. The residual cyst, eruption cyst, and lateral periodontal cyst occurred much less frequently. These findings essentially confirmed the results of previously published studies. A predominance of male patients was observed in the entire patient collective and individual cyst entities. The male gender dominated in adult and pediatric patients with radicular cysts and in adult patients with follicular cysts. Odontogenic cysts most commonly occurred in the 4th to 5th decades of life. As expected, eruption cysts were only diagnosed in children, and residual cysts were only diagnosed in adults. The most affected region was both the overall odontogenic cysts and radicular and follicular cysts in the mandibular molar region.Conclusions. Thus, out of the total number of patient male were more affected by odontogenic cysts, compared to females.Radicular cysts of the jaws were diagnosed more frequently.Localizations of radicular cysts on the lower jaw was more frequent than on the upper jaw, which confirms the literature data.