Recently, two other large retrospective, epidemiological studies were conducted, both of which were published in 2018. Ott and Maihofner included 1,043 CRPS patients from a 12German population (Erlangen -Nuremberg) in the period 1993 -2014, and found a total incidence (CRPS 1 and 2) of 13.6 per 100,000 person-years (2). Kim and colleagues identified a total of 74,349 CRPS patients in a Korean population of 51,448,491 (subscribers to the National Health Insurance Service) between 2011 and 2015, with a corresponding overall incidence (CRPS type 1 and 2) estimated at 29.0 per 100,000 person-years (25). The incidence of CRPS type 1 and 2 was 20.3 and 16.1 per 100,000 person-years, respectively (25). In the Korean study, patients were diagnosed according to the Persistent Disability and Assessment Guidelines by the American Medical Association rather than the Budapest or IASP criteria (25). In the German study, the diagnosis was made by Dr. Maihofner according to the diagnostic criteria considered valid at the time (IASP or Budapest criteria) (2).Regarding the prevalence of CRPS, it is relevant to refer to two large population-based, retrospective studies from the United States that were published in 2017. The largest study included 33,406,123 patients in the period 2007 -2011 and showed that 22,533 patients were discharged with a diagnosis of CRPS type 1, which corresponds to a period prevalence of 0.07% ( 26). The smaller study (period 2000 -2012) reported a total prevalence of 1.2% (CRPS type 1 and 2) in a material consisting of 6,575,999 patients (27). Differences in epidemiological data between studies may be conditioned by factors such as ethnicity, access to health services, age composition, socio-economic status and especially different use of diagnostic criteria (3, 12, 23, 28). Before the IASP criteria were established, the diagnosis of CRPS, which is a clinical diagnosis, was made on a variable foundation with diffuse criteria with a large degree of individual interpretation (15,(29)(30)(31). Furthermore, less accepted criteria have been presented by both Veldman (1993) (6) and Bruehl (1999) (24). Later (2010), the "Budapest criteria" have been established (5). Advantages and disadvantages of the different diagnostic criteria, as well as different practices between different therapists constitute a major challenge when incidence and prevalence are to be investigated (2, 23, 28, 30).CRPS type 1 is more common than CRPS type 2 (2, 22). Some have reported differences of up to 88% versus 12% (CRPS type 1) (2), respectively, while the range varies between other studies (22, 25, 32, 33). CRPS affects all age groups, but is common in 40-60-year-olds (3, 6, 22, 25), and with the average age of diagnosis estimated at approximately 50 years (2, 3, 22).The condition is rare in children and epidemiological data are limited (34)(35)(36)