We reviewed 14 cases of paecilomycosis in a tertiary care veterinary hospital and all reports of the disease in the veterinary literature. Paecilomycosis is a rare disease primarily of dogs, horses, reptiles, and humans. Clinical manifestations in veterinary patients vary but include disseminated disease and diskospondylitis, particularly in dogs: pneumonia in dogs, horses, and reptiles; keratitis in horses; and miscellaneous local infections. It is important to have an appropriate index of suspicion because the diagnosis can be difficult, particularly in localized disease where it is difficult to determine whether a positive culture represents an etiology or a contamination with an environmental saprophyte. Spinal radiographs, transtracheal washes, histopathology, and fungal culture have proven to be valuable diagnostic tools. The prognosis for paecilomycosis is poor, although some treatment success has been reported, and success rates could improve if additional information were available regarding fungal species occurring in veterinary patients and drugs to which these fungi are susceptible.