Although thousands of potentially disease-causing mutations have been identified in a handful of genes, the genetic heterogeneity has led to diagnostic confusions, stemming directly from the limitations in our arsenal of genetic tools.
Areas covered
We discuss the genetic basis of cardiac ion channelopathies, the gaps in our knowledge and how Next-generation sequencing technology (NGS) and can be used to bridge them, and how induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived-cardiomyocytes can be used for drug discovery.
Expert commentary
Univariate, arrhythmogenic arrhythmias can explain some congenital arrhythmias, however, it is far from a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of many arrhythmias. Mutational screening is a critical step in personalized medicine and is critical to the management of patients with arrhythmias. The success of personalized medicine requires a more efficient way to identify a high number of genetic variants potentially implicated in cardiac arrhythmogenic diseases than traditional sequencing methods (eg, Sanger sequencing). Next-generation sequencing technology provides us with unprecedented opportunities to achieve high-throughput, rapid, and cost-effective detection of congenital arrhythmias in patients. Moreover, in personalized medicine era, IPSC derived-cardiomyocytes can be used as ‘cardiac arrhythmia in a dish’ model for drug discovery, and help us improve management of arrhythmias in patients by developing patient-specific drug therapies with target specificity.