Carried out has been complex comparative analysis of the production and diagnostic properties of such anthrax bacteriophages as Gamma A-26, Fah-RRIVV&M (Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology), R/D-Ph-6, BA-9, K RRIEV (Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary), Saratov, and 186. It is revealed that all of the bacteriophages have the properties necessary for using them for preparation manufacturing purposes: they readily proliferate in liquid cultures of avirulent Bacillus anthracis strain-STI, and retain sufficient specific activity if stored at the optimum temperatures or, when exposed to short-term temperature excursions, within a period of two years. Most clearly expressed are the differences in diagnostic properties of the bacteriophages-specific activity and specificity. Put forward are the groups of bacteriophages that are the most relevant for identification or phage-typing of B. anthracis strains.