Despite its well-documented limitations, colorimetry has been commonly used for the d-xylose test in the diagnosis of malabsorption syndrome (MAS). With a possibility of overcoming its limitations, the use of (1)H NMR spectroscopy for D-xylose test is explored herein. Urine samples from 35 adults with suspected MAS were obtained before and after oral ingestion of D-xylose. The diagnosis of MAS was based on fecal fat (72 h excretion using Van de Kamer's technique, normal < 7 g/24 h and/or Sudan III stain of spot stool specimen, normalor=1 g/5 g/5 h). In vitro experiments on the standard specimens of D-xylose were also performed independently using both methods. Colorimetry showed a lower value for the quantity of D-xylose excreted in urine than NMR [median 0.73 (0.17-1.89 g) vs 1.37 (0.17-3.23 g), respectively; p<0.0001, Wilcoxon's signed ranks test]. Colorimetry and NMR correctly diagnosed 11/12 and 10/12 (p=N.S.) patients with MAS and 14/23 and 20/23 (p<0.05) without MAS, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of colorimetry and NMR were 91.6 and 60.7% vs 83.3 and 86.9%, respectively. In in vitro experiments, the values obtained for standard xylose using NMR showed a maximum error of 7%, whereas the colorimetric method showed 20%. The NMR method is simple and may be more accurate for the D-xylose absorption test. Colorimetry was found to be inferior as compared with NMR due to its low specificity.