The mathematical models of relaxing media with a structure for describing nonlinear long-wave processes are explored. The wave processes in non-equilibrium heterogeneous media are studied in terms of the suggested asymptotic averaged model. On the microstructure level of the medium, the dynamical behavior is governed only by the laws of thermodynamics, while, on the macrolevel, the motion of the medium can be described by the wave-dynamical laws. It is proved rigorously that on the acoustic level, the propagation of long waves can be properly described only in terms of dispersive dissipative properties of the medium, and in this case, the dynamical behavior of the medium can be modeled by a homogeneous relaxing medium. At the same time, the dynamical behavior of the medium cannot be modeled by a homogeneous medium even for long waves, if they are nonlinear. For a finite-amplitude wave, the structure of medium produces nonlinear effects even if the individual components of the medium are described by a linear law. The heterogeneity of the structure of medium always introduces additional nonlinearity. It is shown that the solution of many problems for multi-component media with incompressible phases can be obtained through the known solution of a similar problem for a homogeneous compressible medium by means of the suggested transformation. It is not necessary to solve directly the problem for the medium with incompressible component, and it is sufficient just to transform the known solution of the similar problem for a homogeneous medium. The scope for the suggested transformation is demonstrated by the reference to the strong explosion state in a two-phase medium. The special attention is focused on the research of blast waves in multi-component media with thermal relaxation. The dependence of the shock damping parameters on the thermal relaxation time is analyzed in order to provide a deeper understanding of the damping of shock waves in such media and to determine their effectiveness as localizing media. This problem attracts the interest also in view of the practical possibility to estimate the efficiency of medium for damping the shock wave action. To find the nature of the relaxation interaction between the components of medium and to estimate the attenuation of shock waves generated by solid explosives, we have studied experimentally both the velocity field of shock waves and the pressure at front in an air foam. The comparison of experimental and theoretical investigations of the relaxation phenomena which accompany the propagation of shock waves in foam indicates that within the scope of relaxation hy-V. O. Vakhnenko 1056 drodynamics it is possible to explain the observed phenomena and estimate the efficiency of medium as localizer of the shock wave action.