We give a complete description of the congruence lattices of the following finite diagram monoids: the partition monoid, the planar partition monoid, the Brauer monoid, the Jones monoid (also known as the Temperley-Lieb monoid), the Motzkin monoid, and the partial Brauer monoid. All the congruences under discussion arise as special instances of a new construction, involving an ideal I, a retraction I → M onto the minimal ideal, a congruence on M , and a normal subgroup of a maximal subgroup outside I.Roughly speaking, if α ∈ P n , then α * is obtained by reflecting (a graph representing) α in the horizontal axis midway between the two rows of vertices. It is easy to see that α * * = α, (αβ) * = β * α * , αα * α = α, for all α, β ∈ P n . It follows that P n is a regular * -semigroup, in the sense of Nordahl and Scheiblich [35], with respect to this operation. We have several obvious identities, such as dom(α * ) = codom(α) and ker(α * ) = coker(α). This symmetry/duality will allow us to shorten several proofs.
Other diagram monoidsIn this subsection, we introduce a number of important submonoids of the partition monoid P n . Following [33], the Brauer and partial Brauer monoid are defined by B n = {α ∈ P n : all blocks of α have size 2} and PB n = {α ∈ P n : all blocks of α have size at most 2}, Green's equivalences R, L , J , H and D reflect the ideal structure of a semigroup S, and are the fundamental structural tool in semigroup theory. They are defined as follows. We write S 1 = S if S is a monoid; otherwise S 1 is the monoid obtained from S by adjoining an identity element to S. Then, for a, b ∈ S,further, H = R ∩ L , and D is the join R ∨ L : i.e., the least equivalence containing R and L . It is well known that D = R • L = L • R for any semigroup S, and that D = J when S is finite (as is the case for all semigroups considered in this article). If K is any of Green's relations, and if a ∈ S, we write K a = {b ∈ S : a K b} for the K -class of a in S. The set S/J = {J a : a ∈ S} of all J -classes of S is partially ordered as follows. For a, b ∈ S, we say that J a ≤ J b if a ∈ S 1 bS 1 . If T is a subset of S that is a union of J -classes, we write T /J for the set of all J -classes of S contained in T . The reader is referred to [7, Chapter 2], [21, Chapter 2] or [36, Appendix A] for a more detailed introduction to Green's relations.Green's equivalences on all diagram monoids considered in this article are governed by (co)domains, (co)kernels and ranks, as specified in the following proposition. For P n this was first proved in [40], though the terminology there was different. For the other monoids see [10, Theorem 2.4] and also [16][17][18]40]. The proposition will be used frequently throughout the paper without explicit reference.Proposition 2.1. Let K n be any of the monoids P n , PB n , B n , PP n , M n , I n , J n , O n . If α, β ∈ K n , then (i) α R β ⇔ dom(α) = dom(β) and ker(α) = ker(β), (ii) α L β ⇔ codom(α) = codom(β) and coker(α) = coker(β),Remark 2.2. A number of consequences and simplifications ar...