Solidus isotherms and isoconcentration lines have been experimentally determined for the Ga-In-Sb ternary diagram by means of the technique of annealing samples in the two-phase liquid-solid field and quenching, a method shown previously to give good results for the pseudobinary section. The results are compared with data predicted by the simple solution model. In this analysis, the linear temperature dependence of fhe interaction parameters aGa-Sb, Oqn-Sb, aGa-In, and ~GaSb-InSb has been examined and also the effect on the predicted data of variation in the values of these parameters. It is shown that while the model can give values of liquidus isotherms in good agreement with the available experimental data, the predicted solidus isotherms and isoconcentration lines are very different from the experimental data. No reasonable variation of the = parameters can eliminate this latter discrepancy and it is seen that in the case of this particular ternary system the simple solution model is of no value for prediction of solidus data.