The boundaries of the diamond deposition region in the C-H-O ͑Bachmann͒ atomic phase composition diagram have been reproduced successfully for 38 different C, H, and O containing gas mixtures using the CHEMKIN computer package, together with just two criteria-a minimum mole fraction of methyl radicals ͓CH 3 ͔ and a limiting value of the ͓H͔/͓C 2 H 2 ͔ ratio. The diamond growth/no-growth boundary coincides with the line along which the input mole fractions of C and O are equal. For every gas mixture studied, no-growth regions are found to coincide with a negligible (Ͻ10 Ϫ10) mole fraction of CH 3 radicals, while for gas mixtures lying within the diamond growth region the CH 3 mole fraction is ϳ10 Ϫ7. Each no-growth→diamond growth boundary is seen to be accompanied by a 2-3 order of magnitude step in CH 3 mole fraction. The boundary between diamond and nondiamond growth is less clearly defined, but can be reproduced by assuming a critical, temperature dependent ͓H͔/͓C 2 H 2 ͔ ratio ͑0.2, in the case that T gas ϭ2000 K͒ that reflects the crucial role of H atoms in the etching of nondiamond phases. The analysis allows prediction of the composition process window for good quality diamond growth for all stable input gas mixtures considered in this study.