The article starts with the theoretical and empirical introduction, mentioning the role of ICT in teacher training, and proceeds with the methodological presentation of the general research and its design. The next section presents the results obtained, divided in two subsections - the biographical synopsis and the status and use of ICT in Teresa’s teaching and training practice. The conclusion, as allowed by Teresa’s narrative, closes the text.
Objectives: The article belongs to a qualitative biographical-narrative research, which involves obtaining biographical testimonials from teachers/ researchers who train teachers with the help of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to promote skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, cooperation, and communication, understood as essential for the development of comprehensive education, curricular sustainability, and participatory citizenship.
Methodology: The research problem involves the determination of the importance and status associated to the use of ICT in the professional understanding and practice of the participants, according to biographical narratives: What importance and status do the participants associate to the use of ICT, in their understanding and practice of the teaching profession? The teachers’ professional biographies were reconstructed from the collected opinions and perceptions, providing answers to the research question.
Results: Here, we report the biographical narrative of a university teacher/ researcher, under the pseudonym “Teresa”, who is dedicated to Mathematics education in teacher training. From her reconstructed biographical experience, we will highlight a close relationship to the theoretical and empirical contributions presented in the introduction, and to results previously obtained through our research.