In Late Roman Pannonia, local pottery was produced in small, local centres, but on a more limited scale than before the 4th c., in the region. A dense network of pottery workshops operated at the time of Valentinian in the Danube bend, which was an important section of the limes. In most of these examples, pottery kilns, situated in villae and rural settlements in the hinterland of the province, manufactured only one pottery type. The larger workshops, situated in more favourable geographical positions, produced not only coarse ware but glazed and burnished wares, as well. Local artisans tried to imitate the decreasing amount of imported terra sigillata, metal and glass vessels, by adopting new techniques and decorative elements. Imported pottery now consisted of only a few types, such as: African Red Slip ware, small numbers of amphorae, lamps, occasional Argonne Ware, and some eggshell type cups. It can be shown that in parallel with the increasing production of hand-made, coarse and burnished ware pottery, imports ceased in the province around the second decade of the 5th c. A.D.