The book of the author: M Kuman, Modern Aspects of Ancient Acupuncture 1 explains why the acupuncture meridians have the directions they have. Modern physics teaches that the atmosphere is positively charged and the Earth negatively charged. 2 It is also a well-known fact that the head of the human body is always positively charged and the feet negatively charged. 3 Why is this so? If the human body were a conductor, it wouldn't be possible to measure a potential difference between the head and the feet. Since such potential difference exists, the human body is not exactly a conductor. If the human body were a dielectric, the positively charged atmosphere would induce negative electric charges on the head and the negatively charged earth-positive electric charges on the feet. However, the head is always positively charged and the feet negatively charged. Therefore, the human body is not exactly a dielectric. The head is always positively charged and the feet negatively charged because of the processes inside the body. Therefore, active ionic exchange through the skin keeps the head always positively charged and the feet negatively charged (see next section). We are going to prove in section 4 that it is not incidental that the positively charged head is in the upper part of the body, while the negatively charged legs are in the lower part of the body. In this way they are in harmony with the positively charged atmosphere and the negatively charged Earth.