DOI: 10.4039/ent106479-5
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Diel Periodicity of Male Sex Pheromone Response and Female Attractiveness in the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)

Abstract: Can. Ent. 106: 479484 (1974) In field studies gypsy moth males were attracted to synthetic cis-7,s-epoxy-2-methyloctadecane (disparlure), the female sex pheromone, and virgin females from 0900 to 2000 (Eastern Standard Time). The greatest numbers of males were lured to the synthetic attractant or the calling female from 1100 to 1500. These periods of male response are longer than reported in previous (1896 and 1932) New England investigations and suggest the possible recent evolution of a new die1 rhythm of … Show more

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Cited by 45 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…Since pheromone production is not always synchronous with calling behavior, these seem to be two different traits that may be regulated differently. Male response to sex pheromone has been shown to occur at specific hours at night as well (e.g., Fatzinger, 1973;Castrovillo and Cardé, 1979;Haynes and Birch, 1986;Kawasaki, 1986;Rosen et al, 2003;Silvegren et al, 2005;Merlin et al, 2007), and usually coincides with female calling time (e.g., Cardé et al, 1975;Castrovillo and Cardé, 1979), although not always (e.g., Saario et al, 1970;Cardé et al, 1974;Kawasaki, 1986). The timing of male response is thus a third trait in moth sexual communication that may have its own genetic basis.…”
Section: Phenotype: Variation In Timing Of Daily Sexual Activity In Mmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Since pheromone production is not always synchronous with calling behavior, these seem to be two different traits that may be regulated differently. Male response to sex pheromone has been shown to occur at specific hours at night as well (e.g., Fatzinger, 1973;Castrovillo and Cardé, 1979;Haynes and Birch, 1986;Kawasaki, 1986;Rosen et al, 2003;Silvegren et al, 2005;Merlin et al, 2007), and usually coincides with female calling time (e.g., Cardé et al, 1975;Castrovillo and Cardé, 1979), although not always (e.g., Saario et al, 1970;Cardé et al, 1974;Kawasaki, 1986). The timing of male response is thus a third trait in moth sexual communication that may have its own genetic basis.…”
Section: Phenotype: Variation In Timing Of Daily Sexual Activity In Mmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, a wider temporal male response window could be advantageous for males to locate early as well as late calling females (Linn, 1997). As mentioned above, the timing of male usually coincides with female calling time (e.g., Cardé et al, 1975;Castrovillo and Cardé, 1979), but exceptions do occur (e.g., Saario et al, 1970;Cardé et al, 1974;Kawasaki, 1986).…”
Section: Male Activity and Responsementioning
confidence: 99%
“…1992 ). The gypsy moth offers a model system appropriate for testing the influence of light levels on steering, because in the field the male is attracted to pheromone from mid‐morning through the day and night until nearly dawn ( Cardé et al . 1974 , 1996).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is probably not surprising given that laboratory conditions were designed to exclude mate Þnding, as males and females were placed together in mating chambers. The difference between laboratory studies, in which low fertilization rates are those egg masses where the majority still have Ͼ30% of the eggs fertilized, and Þeld observations, in which some egg masses contain Յ5% fertilized eggs, could reßect the costs of mate Þnding under natural conditions, including female calling and male ßight behaviors (Cardé et al 1974;Cardé and Hagaman 1984;Giebultowicz et al 1990Giebultowicz et al , 1992.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 98%