interfacing machines are interfacial devices that restores
the purpose of the nervous system lost because of any disease or injury.
In the current scenario, conventional metal-based electrodes are employed
for neural interfacing; however, the challenge faced with these electrodes
is signal degeneration, because of filling of the liquid gap (i.e.,
in extra systemic implants) between target tissue and electrode. Thus,
this problem aroused a novel idea to use conducting polymers (CPs),
because it provides excellent electrical conductivity for signal transduction,
along with biocompatibility with human body. Implanted metal electrodes
generate an immunological response in the human body and attempts
to eradicate them by treating them as a foreign material. CPs are
generally biocompatible with the bodies’ immune system and
does not induce any significant long-term negative effect in vivo
and are much preferred and reliable over the conventional techniques,
because of its high surface area, which promotes a good conductance
with target tissues by reducing impedance and, hence, enhances the
recording and simulation applications of various neural processes.
Thus, this Review intends to study several neural interfacing applications
by using polypyrrole and PEDOT as primary CPs, with brief explanation
of their preparation and conductance mechanisms, and then focuses
on neural implanting, interfacing behaviors, and superiority over
other materials. Novel designing and applications of cochlear implants,
bionic eyes, and brain-machine interfering are hereby reviewed.