Otolith use in the study of fish stock connectivity of mugilids in coastal areas of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, and of Valencia, Spain.
AbstractThe aim of this thesis was to identify mugilid stocks in the Southwestern Atlantic coast (25 • 30'S -40 • 32'S) and in the Mediterranean coast of the Valencia Community (38 • 08'N -40 • 38'N), and their connectivity using the morphology, morphometry and chemical composition of sagittae otoliths (complex carbonate structures located in the inner ear of the fish). Morphology of sagittal for 9 Mugilidae species was analyzed; thus, being able to differentiate them and generating an identification key for the species. Moreover, morphological patterns for family and genera were proposed.Given that otoliths vary along fish growth, ontogenetic patterns were identified for Mugil liza, Mugil cephalus and Liza ramada, describing, also, their biometric relations (standard fish length vs length-width of the otolith). In regard to the identification of fish stocks, by means of morphometrical indices (circularity, rectangularity, aspect ratio, percentage occupied by the sulcus, ellipticity and form factor) and otolith microchemistry (Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios), different behavioral patterns related to habitat use of Mugil liza and Mugil cephalus we identified. For M. cephalus four behavioral patterns could be identified with differential use of marine, estuarine and freshwater environments; while for M. liza only three could be recognized. M. cephalus showed at least two fish stocks in the Valencian Mediterranean coast, whereas M. liza did not show michochemical differences that allowed recognizing more than one fish stock in the Southwestern Atlantic coast.In this context, otoliths turned out to be an important complementary tool to study the biology and ecology of mugilids, recognizing movements, habitat use and stock identification; allowing to generate proper management strategies for the species and the preferred used areas.Aplicació dels otòlits a l'estudi de la interconectividad d'estocs pesquers de mugílids de zones costaneres de la província de Buenos Aires, Argentina i de la costa Valenciana, Espanya. Resum L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser determinar els estocs de mugílids presents en la costa Atlàntica sud-occidental (25 • 30'S -40 • 32'S) i en la costa Mediterrània de la Comunitat Valenciana (38 • 08'N -40 • 38'N) i la seua interconectividad, utilitzant la morfologia, morfometria i composició química dels otòlits sagitta (cossos policristal·lins compostos per carbonat de calci allotjats a l'oïda interna del peix). Es va analitzar la morfologia del sagita de 9 espècies de mugílids, la qual cosa va permetre diferenciar-los i generar una clau d'identificació específica. Així mateix, es van proposar patrons morfològics de l'otòlit a nivell de família i gènere. Atès que els otòlits varien durant el desenvolupament dels peixos, es van identificar patrons ontogenètics en relació amb el creixement del peix, per a Mugil liza, Mugil cephalus i Liza ramada, podent descriure's les re...