M, Lope V, Overeating, caloric restriction and mammographic density in Spanish women. DDM-Spain study, Maturitas (2018), https://doi.
* Co-last authorsCorresponding author:1.14; p=0.178), not observing differences between the categories of explanatory variables.Caloric restriction was not associated with MD in our study.Conclusions: This is the first study exploring the association between MD and the effect of caloric deficit or excessive caloric consumption according to the energy requirements of each woman. Although caloric restriction does not seem to affect breast density, a caloric intake above predicted levels seems to increase this phenotype.
KeywordsBreast density; calories; energy intake; caloric intake; basal metabolic rate.
AbbreviationsBMI: body mass index BMR: basal metabolic rate DDM-Spain: Determinants of Mammographic Density in Spain MD: mammographic density OR: odds ratio 95%CI: 95% confidence interval