We investigated the formation and pharmacology of prostaglandin E 3 (PGE 3 ) derived from fish oil eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in human lung cancer A549 cells. Exposure of A549 cells to EPA resulted in the rapid formation and export of PGE 3. The extracellular ratio of PGE 3 to PGE 2 increased from 0.08 in control cells to 0.8 in cells exposed to EPA within 48 h. Incubation of EPA with cloned ovine or human recombinant cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) resulted in 13-and 18-fold greater formation of PGE 3 , respectively, than that produced by COX-1. Exposure of A549 cells to 1 M PGE 3 inhibited cell proliferation by 37.1% ( P Ͻ 0.05). Exposure of normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells to PGE 3 , however, had no effect. When A549 cells were exposed to EPA (25 M) or a combination of EPA and celecoxib (a selective COX-2 inhibitor), the inhibitory effect of EPA on the growth of A549 cells was reversed by the presence of celecoxib (at both 5 and 10 M). This effect appears to be associated with a 50% reduction of PGE 3 formation in cells treated with a combination of EPA and celecoxib compared with cells exposed to EPA alone. These data indicate that exposure of lung cancer cells to EPA results in a decrease in the COX-2-mediated formation of PGE 2 , an increase in the level of PGE 3 , and PGE 3 -mediated inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. 2)]. Epidemiologic studies have shown an inverse relationship between blood levels of n-3 fatty acids derived from fish oils and the risk of prostate and lung cancers (3-5). However, molecular mechanisms for the pharmacologic anticancer activity of EPA have not been fully elucidated. A number of studies have suggested that the anticancer activities of both EPA and DHA are associated with their ability to inhibit the synthesis of 2-series prostaglandins, especially prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) production [as reviewed in ref. (6)]. In contrast to DHA, however, EPA can actually function as a substrate for COX and result in the synthesis of unique 3-series prostaglandin compounds (7). To date, studies reporting the formation of 3-series prostaglandins by EPA have been performed using normal cells or tissues (8,9). Fischer and Weber (10), for example, provided the first evidence of in vivo formation of thromboxane A 3 and prostaglandin I 3 in humans fed fish oil. In addition, studies conducted in humans have shown that PGE 3 levels increased by ف 10-fold in urine after ingestion of cod liver oil (40 ml/day) for 12 weeks (11).In contrast to PGE 2 , the biological activity of PGE 3 has received little attention. The effect of PGE 3 on cell growth has been reported only in normal murine mammary epithelial (12) and 3T3 fibroblast cells (13). Both studies showed that PGE 2 and PGE 3 stimulated the growth of norAbbreviations: AA, arachidonic acid; BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene; calcein AM, acetoxymethyl ester of calcein; COX, cyclooxygenase; DAPI, 4 Ј ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; LC/MS/MS, liquid chromatography/tandem mass sp...