13 14To increase current knowledge on the nutritional value of natural prey organisms, the 15 biochemical components of mainly three copepods (Acartia grani, Centropages 16 hamatus, and Eurytemora affinis) from a marine pond system were analysed once a 17 week from spring until late fall, over two years. The analysed components were total 18 lipid, lipid class composition, total lipid fatty acid composition, free amino acids, total 19 protein, protein-bound amino acids, pigment (astaxanthin and ß-carotene), and 20 vitamins (A, thiamine, riboflavin, C, D 3 , and E). Copepod dry weight (DW), dry 21 matter (% of wet weight), and ash content (% of DW) were also determined. The data 22 are unique due to the homogenous content of copepods in the samples and the long 23 time span of sampling. The copepods were characterised by moderate levels of lipids 24 (6.9-22.5% of DW), with polar lipids accounting for 37.9 to70.2% of the total lipid. 25The most abundant fatty acids in total lipid (as % of total lipid) were 16:0 (palmitic 26 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 56182262; fax: +47 56182222. E-mail address: Terje.van.der.Meeren@imr.no A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P T , 8.3-24.6%), and 22:6n-3 (DHA, 13.9-42.3%). The 27 amount of 20:4n-6 (ARA) was generally low (0-2.6%), giving an EPA/ARA range 28 between 7.5and 49.5. The DHA/EPA ratio was between 1.0 and 4.9.
ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT2 acid, 10.8-17.1%), 20:5n-3 (EPA