“…The inoculations were performed 30 days after plant Table 1 Sequence of sorghum hybrids in rotation system for seven planting seasons. emergence with 500 ml of conidial suspension sprayed with a hand-sprayer (Casela et al, 1998(Casela et al, , 2001. Twelve days after inoculation, the modified Cardwel scale (Cardwel et al, 1989), with notes ranging from 1 to 5, was used to evaluate the disease severity, where: 1 e presence of chlorotic flecks; 2 e small red spots in the leaf lamina; 3 e necrotic lesions, sometimes elongated, but no acervuli formed; 3.1 to 3.9 e necrotic lesions varying in size and amount and with little sporulation; 4 e necrotic lesions formed with acervuli present in the center; 5 e necrotic lesions, sometimes coalescing with abundant sporulation.…”