Siput gonggong, Laevistrombus turturella termasuk komoditas perikanan laut yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi di Pulau Bintan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Hemolim pada siput berperan penting dalam sistem pertahanan tubuh dan reproduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui total hemosit dan diferensial hemosit pada siput gonggong asal Pulau Bintan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2021. Sampel siput gonggong berasal dari perairan laut Kampung Madong dan Lobam. Hemolim diambil dari otot kaki gonggong untuk pemeriksaan total hemosit dan diferensial hemosit. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total hemosit, persentase hyalin dan sel granular siput gonggong dari Kampung Madong dan Lobam relatif sama dan dalam kisaran normal (< 1,0 x 106 sel/mm3). Jumlah total hemosit siput gonggong asal Kampung Madong dan Lobam secara berturut-turut adalah berkisar antara 77.000-166.600 sel/mm3 dan 71.000-165.000 sel/mm3, persentase sel hyalin berkisar antara, 58%-80% dan 52%-70%, serta persentase sel granular berkisar antara 20%-42% dan 30%-48%. Oleh karena nilai total hemosit dan diferensial hemosit relatif sama maka siput gonggong asal Kampung Madong disarankan sebagai kandidat calon induk karena memiliki ukuran tubuh 6,52 ± 5,61 cm lebih besar dibandingkan asal Lobam 5,27 ± 0,40 cm.Gonggong conch, Laevistrombus turturella is a marine gastropod highly valued as a seafood commodity in Bintan Island Riau Islands Province. The farming technology of the species is currently not available due to limited information on its biology including its immune system and reproduction. Hemolymph in conchs plays an important role in gonggong conch body’s defense system and reproduction. This study aimed to determine the total haemocytes and hemocytic differential of gonggong conchs originated from Bintan Island. The research was conducted between July-August 2021. The gonggong conch samples were collected from the coastal waters of Kampung Madong and Lobam. Hemolymph was taken from the gonggong conch leg muscles for examination of total hemocytes and hemocytic differential and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the total hemocytes, percentage of hyaline and granular cells of gonggong conchs from Kampung Madong and Lobam were relatively similar and within the normal range (< 1.0 x106 cell/mm3). The total number of haemocytes of gonggong conchs from Kampung Madong and Lobam ranged from 77,000-166,600 cells/mm3and 71,000-165,000 cells/mm3; respectively, while the percentages of hyaline cells ranged between 58%-80% and 52%-70%, respectively, and the percentage of granular cells ranged between 20%-42% and 30%-48%. Gongong conch from Kampung Madong had a body size of 6.52 ± 5.61 cm which was larger than that of Lobam with body size of 5.27 ± 0.40 cm. Because both had relatively similar values of total haemocytic and haemocytic differential, the gonggong conch from Kampung Madong was suggested as the best candidate for broodstock.