The amino acid composition of pooled human 7-globulin was studied comprehensively by Brand and coworkers (1). More recent studies of 6.5S human globulins, now called 7G-globulin (2), using automatic zmlno acid analytical techniques (3), have been reported for example, by Hsaio and Putnam (4), and by Crumpton and Wilkinson (5). In contrast to the situation with amino acid analyses of specific antibodies from the rabbit (5-10), the residue composition of human antibody 3,-globulins to well defined antigens, especially from individual subjects, has yet to be investigated. This paper is concerned with a study of the amino acid composition of four purified 7G-antibodies, namely antilevan, antidextran, antiteichoic acid, and antiblood group substance A, from the serum of one individual. These four antibody preparations were previously examined for their allotypic speciiicities (11) and for the electrophoretic patterns of their H and L chains in starch gel (12).As has previously been reported by Koshland et al. for rabbit antibodies to several antigens (7-9), analytically significant differences in amino acid composition among these purified human antibodies have also been observed. Thus, there is wide variation in the number of glycine, valine, leucine, proline, threonine, tyrosine, and arginlne residues in these "yG-antibodies, as well as smaller differences in other amino acid residues. Furthermore, hydroxTlysine is present in antidextran and in antiteichoic acid whereas it cannot be detected in antilevan, anti-A, or in the normal non-specific "~,G-globulin from this subject.
Materials and MethodsPreparation of'yG.--Serum from subject 1 (11, 12) was dialyzed against several changes of 0.01 ,s potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. It was then subjected to chromatography (13) on a DEAE-cellulose column (75 X 2.5 cm) which had previously been equilibrated with this buffer. The "yG-fraction was eluted as the first protein peak in the effluent, and was dialyzed