An immunohistochemical investigation into the distribution, of immunoreactive corticotrophin-releasing factor (IR-CRF) in the adult human pituitary stalk was carried out. Histological sections of six pituitary stalks were stained by an indirect immunoperoxidase technique, using a specific primary antiserum raised against synthetic ovine CRF. It was shown that IR-CRF is present surrounding the coiled capillaries of certain gomitoli bodies. These structures form the primary capillary beds of the portal system of blood flow supplying the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. An investigation was made into the characteristics of the cellular elements of gomitoli bodies, as little is known of these structures. Immunocytochemical methods for epithelial cells (ant i \ x=req-\ cytokeratin and anti-epithelial membrane antigen), endothelial cells (factor VIII related antigen), glial cells (glial fibrillary acid protein and S100 protein) and neuroendocrine cells (neuron specific enolase) were employed, but none were positive.The concept of hypothalamic neurosecretory regu¬ lation of anterior pituitary hormones proposed by Harris (1955) has been accepted for many years. However, it is only in the past 15 years that any of the factors involved have been identified. Cortico¬ trophin-releasing factor (CRF) is one of these neurosecretions, which stimulates the release of ACTH from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.