Symbiosis between reef-building corals and unicellular algae (Symbiodiniaceae) fuels the growth and productivity of corals reefs. Capacity for Symbiodiniaceae to fix inorganic carbon (Ci) and translocate carbon compounds to the host is central to coral health, but how these processes change for corals thriving in environmental extremes remains largely unresolved. We investigate how a model coral -Pocillopora acuta -persists from a reef habitat into an adjacent extreme mangrove lagoon on the Great Barrier Reef. We combine respirometry and photophysiology measurements, Symbiodiniaceae genotyping, and 13 C labelling to compare P. acuta metabolic performance across habitats, in relation to the Ci uptake and 27 translocation capacity by symbionts' autotrophy. We show that differences in P. acuta 28 metabolic strategies across habitats align with a shift in dominant host-associated 29 Symbiodiniaceae taxon, from Cladocopium in the reef to Durusdinium in the mangroves. This 30 shift corresponded with a change in 'photosynthetic strategy', with P. acuta in the mangroves 31 utilising absorbed light for photochemistry over non-photochemical quenching. Mangrove 32 corals translocated similar proportions of carbon compared to the reefs, despite a lower Ci uptake. These trends indicate that coral survival in mangrove environments occurs through sustained translocation rate of organic compounds from coral symbionts to host.
Introduction 36The ecological success of reef-building corals resides on their ability to establish and 37 maintain metabolic exchanges through an effective symbiotic association with dinoflagellates 38 from the family Symbiodiniaceae. Symbiodiniaceae fuel their hosts with organic carbon by fixing inorganic carbon (Ci) through photosynthesis (Davy et al. 2012). While Ci uptake rates by the algal symbionts have rarely been measured, they appear strongly regulated by environmental factors, such as availability of CO2 (pCO2) (Suggett et al. 2012b; Brading et al. 42 2013) and temperature (Oakley et al. 2014). Recent work on cultured Symbiodiniaceae 43 revealed that different environmental optima primarily drive variation in Ci uptake rates (Ros 44 et al. 2020). Within reef systems where Symbiodiniaceae are hosted within cnidarian tissues, symbiont cells are typically carbon-limited (Smith and Muscatine 1999; Doherty 2009; Towanda and Thuesen 2012); as such, cnidarians can exhibit a stimulated carbon metabolism under naturally higher pCO2 (more acidic) environments (Suggett et al. 2012b). The efficiency 48 of Symbiodiniaceae carbon metabolism across environments thus appears an important trait in 49 supporting their host's survival, and a means to cope with stressful conditions. 50 51 Associations between the cnidarian host and specific genera, species or strains of 52 Symbiodiniaceae profoundly influence the stress resilience of their coral host (Berkelmans and 53