Abstract. We prove some existence results on parameterized strongly normal extensions for logarithmic equations. We generalize a result in [Wibmer, Existence of ∂-parameterized Picard-Vessiot extensions over fields with algebraically closed constants, J. Algebra, 361, 2012]. We also consider an extension of the results in [Kamensky and Pillay, Interpretations and differential Galois extensions, Preprint 2014] from the ODE case to the parameterized PDE case. More precisely, we show that if D and ∆ are two distinguished sets of derivations and (K D , ∆) is existentially closed in (K, ∆), where K is a D ∪ ∆-field of characteristic zero, then every (parameterized) logarithmic equation over K has a parameterized strongly normal extension.