DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05196-3
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Differential cell-intrinsic regulations of germinal center B and T cells by miR-146a and miR-146b

Abstract: Reciprocal interactions between B and follicular T helper (Tfh) cells orchestrate the germinal center (GC) reaction, a hallmark of humoral immunity. Abnormal GC responses could lead to the production of pathogenic autoantibodies and the development of autoimmunity. Here we show that miR-146a controls GC responses by targeting multiple CD40 signaling pathway components in B cells; by contrast, loss of miR-146a in T cells does not alter humoral responses. However, specific deletion of both miR-146a and its paral… Show more

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Cited by 65 publications
(81 citation statements)
References 58 publications
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“…119 In contrast to the aforementioned studies that were based on miR-146a −/− mice or competitive bone marrow chimeras thereof, the absence of miR-146a specifically in T cells did not alter the frequencies of Tfh and GC B cells in steady state or after immunization. 119 However, a simultaneous deletion of both miR-146a and its paralog miR-146b in T cells, but not deletion of miR-146b alone, resulted in increased levels of Tfh and GC B cells and spontaneous autoimmunity already at steady state and also led to elevated GC reactions after immunization. 119 Likewise, upregulation of the miR-146a target Icos was only observed in mice lacking both miR-146a and miR-146b in T cells, but not in the single knockout animals, suggesting that miR-146a and miR-146b cooperatively regulate Tfh cell differentiation and function.…”
Section: Themir-146family:anegativeregulatorof Tfhcellidentitymentioning
confidence: 85%
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“…119 In contrast to the aforementioned studies that were based on miR-146a −/− mice or competitive bone marrow chimeras thereof, the absence of miR-146a specifically in T cells did not alter the frequencies of Tfh and GC B cells in steady state or after immunization. 119 However, a simultaneous deletion of both miR-146a and its paralog miR-146b in T cells, but not deletion of miR-146b alone, resulted in increased levels of Tfh and GC B cells and spontaneous autoimmunity already at steady state and also led to elevated GC reactions after immunization. 119 Likewise, upregulation of the miR-146a target Icos was only observed in mice lacking both miR-146a and miR-146b in T cells, but not in the single knockout animals, suggesting that miR-146a and miR-146b cooperatively regulate Tfh cell differentiation and function.…”
Section: Themir-146family:anegativeregulatorof Tfhcellidentitymentioning
confidence: 85%
“…119 In addition, young mice with B cell-specific deficiency in miR-146a displayed elevated humoral immune responses after immunization. 119 In addition, young mice with B cell-specific deficiency in miR-146a displayed elevated humoral immune responses after immunization.…”
Section: Frequencies Of Gc B Cells and Tfh Cells Increased Gc Numbersmentioning
confidence: 99%
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