(Ca 2ϩ ) transport along the rat nephron to investigate the factors that promote hypercalciuria. The model is an extension of the flat medullary model of Hervy and Thomas (Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 284: F65-F81, 2003). It explicitly represents all the nephron segments beyond the proximal tubules and distinguishes between superficial and deep nephrons. It solves dynamic conservation equations to determine NaCl, urea, and Ca 2ϩ concentration profiles in tubules, vasa recta, and the interstitium. Calcium is known to be reabsorbed passively in the thick ascending limbs and actively in the distal convoluted (DCT) and connecting (CNT) tubules. Our model predicts that the passive diffusion of Ca 2ϩ from the vasa recta and loops of Henle generates a significant axial Ca 2ϩ concentration gradient in the medullary interstitium. In the base case, the urinary Ca 2ϩ concentration and fractional excretion are predicted as 2.7 mM and 0.32%, respectively. Urinary Ca 2ϩ excretion is found to be strongly modulated by water and NaCl reabsorption along the nephron. Our simulations also suggest that Ca 2ϩ molar flow and concentration profiles differ significantly between superficial and deep nephrons, such that the latter deliver less Ca 2ϩ to the collecting duct. Finally, our results suggest that the DCT and CNT can act to counteract upstream variations in Ca 2ϩ transport but not always sufficiently to prevent hypercalciuria. calcium; finite volume; kidney; mathematical model; transport CALCIUM (CA 2ϩ ) IS THE MOST abundant cation in the body. It plays an essential role in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle function, and extra-and intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentrations ([Ca 2ϩ ]) must therefore be kept within a narrow range. Calcium homeostasis is maintained by the concerted action of the intestine, the parathyroid glands, and the kidneys. Preserving low Ca 2ϩ concentrations in the urinary filtrate is especially important, since hypercalciuria is one of the major risk factors for the formation of kidney stones. Recent studies on Ca 2ϩ handling by the kidney have focused on the molecular transporters and sensors of Ca 2ϩ (2, 9), but our understanding of Ca 2ϩ transport at the organ level remains limited. Whether there is a corticomedullary interstitial [Ca 2ϩ ] gradient has yet to be determined, and the contribution of each nephron segment to perturbations in the renal Ca 2ϩ balance is not fully understood. To address these questions, we developed a mathematical model of renal Ca 2ϩ transport across all nephron segments below the proximal tubules from the descending limbs of Henle to the inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD). Our model is based on that of Hervy and Thomas (17), referred to below as the HT model, which describes the transport of water, NaCl, glucose, and lactate in the renal medulla. We modified the HT model to 1) make it dynamic, 2) explicitly represent the distal cortical segments, and 3) incorporate Ca 2ϩ transport. For this purpose, we developed a new finite-volume scheme that is robust and fast.About t...