To cite this article: V P Berdnikov and V M Lohin 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 803 012020 View the article online for updates and enhancements.
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IntroductionIn many real control objects, there is significant nonlinearity and nonstationarity [1]. For electromechanical systems, it can be expressed in a variable total moment of inertia on the motor shaft, in the influence of elastic ties, in external factors and etc. If the characteristics of nonlinear elements and the laws of change parameters in the form of specific formulas are known, then exact or approximate methods can be used, which are described in, for example, [2]. Often, in practice, only boundaries are known, in which nonlinearity and nonstationarity coefficients can be changed, which greatly complicates the analysis. Classical methods of the absolute stability theory, circle criteria and Popov's criteria, have already become an important step towards the study of these systems. Widespread in the scientific and engineering environment (first of all for simplicity and visibility), they almost never provide necessary and sufficient conditions of stability [3], indeed, where there is more than one nonlinear and/or time-varying element, frequency methods are much more complicated and they loose their visibility. The connection between quadratic Lyapunov functions and frequency criteria was long-established, that is why, if several nonlinear time-varying elements are in the system, it is reasonable to use a numerical algorithm for constructing quadratic Lyapunov functions [4]. The most comprehensive review of this topic is presented in [5]. In this paper, the author will describe the algorithm which is based on the research of necessary and sufficient stability conditions.