A super-symmetric coherent state path integral on the Keldysh time contour is considered for bosonic and fermionic atoms which interact among each other with a common short-ranged two-body potential. We investigate the symmetries of Bose-Einstein condensation for the equivalent bosonic and fermionic constituents with the same interaction potential so that a super-symmetry results between the bosonic and fermionic components of super-fields. Apart from the super-unitary invariance U (L|S) of the density terms, we specialize on the examination of super-symmetries for pair condensate terms. Effective equations are derived for anomalous terms which are related to the molecular-and BCS-condensate pairs. A Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation from 'Nambu'-doubled super-fields leads to a generating function with super-matrices for the self-energy whose manifold is given by the orthosympletic supergroup Osp(S, S|2L). A nonlinear sigma model follows from the spontaneous breaking of the orthosymplectic super-group Osp(S, S|2L) to the coset decomposition Osp(S, S|2L)\U (L|S) ⊗ U (L|S). The invariant subgroup U (L|S) for the vacuum or background fields is represented by the density terms in the self-energy whereas the super-matrices on the coset space Osp(S, S|2L)\U (L|S) describe the anomalous molecular and BCS-pair condensate terms. A change of integration measure is performed for the coset decomposition Osp(S, S|2L)\U (L|S) ⊗ U (L|S) , including a separation of density and anomalous parts of the self-energy with a gradient expansion for the Goldstone modes. The independent anomalous fields in the actions can be transformed by the inverse square root Ĝ−1/2 Osp\U of the metric tensor of Osp(S, S|2L)\U (L|S) so that the non-Euclidean integration measure with super-Jacobi-determinant [SDET( ĜOsp\U )] 1/2 can be removed from the coherent state path integral and Gaussian-like integrations remain. The variations of the independent coset fields in the effective actions result in classical field equations for a nonlinear sigma model with the anomalous terms. The dynamics of the eigenvalues of the coset matrices is determined by Sine-Gordon equations which have a similar meaning for the dynamics of the molecular-and BCS-pair condensates as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the coherent wave function in BEC phenomena.