We describe computational algorithms for constructing the explicit power series expansions for normal forms of submanifolds under transformation groups. The procedure used to derive the coefficients relies on the recurrence formulae for differential invariants provided by the method of equivariant moving frames. 1. Introduction. The equivariant method of moving frames, introduced in [4], provides a powerful computational tool for investigating the equivalence and symmetry properties of submanifolds under general Lie group actions (and, more generally, infinite-dimensional Lie pseudo-groups, [23, 24]), and determining the required differential invariants. The main new tool is the recurrence relations, which completely prescribe the structure of the noncommutative differential algebra they generate through the process of invariant differentiation. Remarkably, these relations and the consequent differential algebraic structure can be completely and straightforwardly constructed, requiring only basic linear algebra, † Supported in part by NSF Grant DMS 11-08894.