This article is available online at the total number of double bonds that comprise the lipid backbone and the acyl group (3). Molecular species-specific information such as backbone type (sphinganine, sphingosine, and sphingadiene with different carbon chain lengths) and the structure of the amide-linked acyl chains (i.e., carbon chain length and the number and stereo-configuration of double bonds) are not provided in a typical CID MS/MS spectrum. The analysis of glycerophospholipids by CID also provides limited structural information and requires polarity switching to identify both the phospholipid class and the fatty acid composition (5-7). In order to fully characterize the structure of lipids, a different fragmentation technique is needed. Recently, Campbell and Baba (8) reported a "nearly" complete identification method of phosphatidylcholines (PCs) using electron-induced dissociation or electron impact excitation of ions from organics (EIEIO) (9) in a branched radio-frequency electron-ion reaction device (10) (referred to as ExD cell in this work). Using EIEIO to fragment glycerophospholipids, information regarding lipid class (or head group), acyl chain length, the number and location of double bonds, and the regioisomeric structure were obtained in a single experiment in the positive ion mode. Using an alternative fragmentation method, Deimler, Sander, and Jackson (4) recently reported a radical induced dissociation of PCs using bombardment of metastable helium atoms (MAD-MS). These reports on novel approaches to structural elucidation of glycerophospholipids suggest that characterization of other lipid categories, such as SM, may be improved by alternative fragmentation strategies to CID.In this study, we applied EIEIO to SM structural characterization using a branched ion trap (10) installed in a Abstract Electron impact excitation of ions from organics (EIEIO), also referred to as electron-induced dissociation, was applied to singly charged SM molecular species in the gas phase. Using ESI and a quadrupole TOF mass spectrometer equipped with an electron-ion reaction device, we found that SMs fragmented sufficiently to identify their lipid class, acyl group structure, and the location of double bond(s). Using this technique, nearly 200 SM molecular species were found in four natural lipid extracts: bovine milk, porcine brain, chicken egg yolk, and bovine heart. In addition to the most common backbone, d18:1, sphingosines with a range of carbon chain lengths, sphingadienes, and some sphinganine backbones were also detected. Modifications in natural SMs were also identified, including addition of iodine/methanol across a carbon-carbon double bond. This unparalleled new approach to SM analysis using EIEIO-MS shows promise as a unique and powerful tool for structural characterization.-Baba, T., J. L. Campbell, J. C. Y. Le Blanc, and P. R. S. Baker. In-depth sphingomyelin characterization using electron impact excitation of ions from organics and mass spectrometry. J. Lipid Res. 2016. 57: ...