“…One interesting particular case is when K = F p and f is the defining homogeneous polynomial of a hyperelliptic curve of genus g; when g = 1, it was proved in [BDSV15] that the corresponding elliptic curve defined by f is ordinary if and only if its level is 1, (equivalently, if and only if (R/(f )) (x,y,z) is F -pure, ) and supersingular if and only if its level is 2. When the genus is at least 2, level 2 is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the curve for being ordinary [BCBFY18]; in this case, one also has that, if the curve is supersingular, then its level has to be at least 3, so the level can always distinguish these two properties in any genus. We illustrate these results by means of the following examples.…”