To examine the breeding system and components of male and female reproductive success in the hermaphroditic plant Lobelia cardinalis, we performed three crossing experiments with plants taken from natural populations. The experiments were designed to determine if the crossing success of plants as pollen and ovule parents was affected by the distance among mates, including self‐pollinations and pollinations between populations; to determine if plants differed in their abilities to sire or mature seed; and to determine if there was a correlation between a plant's success at siring and maturing seed. Selfpollinations resulted in significantly fewer seeds per fruit and significantly smaller seeds. There were no significant differences in germinability between selfed and outcrossed seeds. Distance among parents within a population did not affect any of the traits. Outcrosses within and between population produced similar numbers of seeds per fruit, similar seed weights, and similar germination success. There were highly significant differences among maternal plants in all three experiments in the number of seeds they matured, mean seed weight, and seed germinability. The maternal parent was the most important factor determining seed production, but there were also significant differences among paternal plants in the number of seeds they sired (all three experiments), in the germinability of the seeds they sired (two experiments), and in the sizes of seeds they sired (one experiment). Our results indicate that differences in success of Lobelia plants as male parents cannot be due solely to their relatedness to the female parent.