After pulse labeling IL7~zzdln pzlr/litrrn shoot meristems \vith "H-thymidine, the cell cycle and its subdivisions \\rere determined autoradiographically using the labeled mitoses method. T h e cycle time was 20 hr. GI = 4.3 hr; C = 9.5 hr; G, = 2.9 hr; and A4 = 3.3 hr. In subsequent experiments seedlings were labeled for 4 t o 5 hr, long enough to label the chron~osomcs' full lengch, eliminating problems associated with asynchronous DhTA replication. T h e longer labeling period did not alter the cell cycle parameters.Cells were designated as being in the first or second division after labeling by the time from the midpoint of the labeling period. Seedlings were placed in 0.1% cycloheximide solution to cause sister chromatids in metaphase cells to separate from each other. Autoradiographs were then made to determine segregation of labeled D N A at the chromatid level. A t the first division after labeling all chromatids appearcd to be labeled. A t the second division after labcling \\.it11 "H-thymidine the labcling pattern was consistent \\.it11 serniconscrvative segregation of labeled D N A and with sister chromatid exchange.These results are discussed in relation to cytological and photometric studies on chromosome strandedness in L71-rrIn and in other organisms with chromosomes \\it11 diffuse ccntronlcrcs.