Investigation of structural features of native chromatin requires the use of intact nuclei, a turbid material which cannot be analyzed by optical methods. Differential scanning calorimetry does not require optically clear samples and has been proved by a number of authors to be a powerful tool in this field of study. By this technique, chicken erythrocyte nuclei were found to undergo at least four thermal transitions, centered at 59, 74, 88 and 98°C. The highest temperature transition is strongly dependent on age and storage conditions of the nuclei. Adequate storage conditions overcame this problem and reproducible scans were obtained over a period of several months. This technical improvement has permitted the reconsideration of the occurrence of the fourth calorimetric transition; previously believed to be displayed only in replicating nuclei. Evidence gathered in the presence of perturbants and possible ligands allows the assignment of the four transitions to a nuclear protein scaffold, histones, nucleosomal DNA and a superstructured form of DNA. Moreover, it suggests that the higher-order structure is stabilized by fibronectin-like proteins.A major problem in the investigation of the structural features of native chromatin is the occurrence of modifications brought about by the extraction procedure. Ideally, chromatin should be studied in intact nuclei, but this approach is limited by the fact that the turbidity of the material prevents the use of optical methods. In the present work, differential scanning calorimetry was used to analyze intact nuclei, since this technique does not require optically clear samples and has already been found to be a powerful tool in this field of study [l -51.Thermograms of isolated nuclei from various sources usually show four or five peaks in the 50-110°C range. Although data from various laboratories agree (taking into account technical differences) on the temperatures at which the thermal transitions occur, there is some disagreement on their assignments to particular nuclear structures. This may depend, in part, on the use of different experimental conditions: ionic strength, in particular, is known to affect severely not only the structure of chromatin, but also the heat stability of DNA [6, 71. However, even when transitions have been measured at the same ionic strength, different assignments have been proposed. Thus, the first peak (i.e. that at lowest temperature) has been assigned to nuclear matrix proteins and to hnRNA-associated proteins by Balbi et al. There is general agreement that the fourth transition, i.e. that with a mid-point higher than 95 "C, is likely to be due to a particular structural organization of DNA in the intact nucleus or in chromatin carefully prepared without shearing. The precise nature of the structure undergoing this transition is still unclear.A possible way of tackling the problem of peak assignments, and also of obtaining a better understanding of the nuclear organization of DNA, is to perform measurements in the presence of substances...