Cough is one of the most common symptoms in pediatric practice. It can manifest itself in children as a mild cough, which has almost no effect on the general condition and behavior, or, on the contrary, have a severe and debilitating character, disrupting sleep and worsening the child’s quality of life. Cough is a multifunctional problem caused by a variety of causes, which creates certain difficulties in diagnosis, especially in case of prolonged (subacute) and chronic cough, and in choosing the appropriate treatment. It can be associated with various diseases, which requires a careful approach from the doctor and selection of adequate therapy taking into account the causes of cough, response to treatment, patient’s age and other indicators. This article discusses the etiology, as well as diagnosis and treatment of respiratory pathology in children, where the main symptom is a prolonged cough. The advantages of mucoactive therapy of subacute cough using a combination drug containing salbutamol, guaifenesin and bromhexine in pediatric practice are considered.