(nln2n3n4nsn6) can be written as h = nt + n4-n5 k = n2 + n4 + n5 (17) It = n 3 "31-n6 12 = --2n 3 --n6.Previously the diffraction spots of the o-' phase were indexed on the bases of the incommensurate composite structure (Cheng et al., 1991). After carefully analyzing the simulated and experimental EDPs of the tr' phase, the sublattice parameter of substructure II along the c direction should be doubled to c2= 7.42/~. Thus, the four indices hklll 2 based on a phason-defected 1D quasicrystal are coincident with those based on the 1D incommensurate composite structure. This confirms once again that the description proposed in the present paper is equivalent to the regular description.In principal, such a description is generally applicable for all 1D incommensurate composite crystals.As a conclusion, the incommensurate composite o-' phase is described as the intermediate state between a fictitious 1D tetragonal quasicrystal and the commensurate o-phase. In other words, the incommensurate o-' phase and commensurate o-phase can be treated as a phason-defected 1D quasicrystal although the 1D quasicrystal is fictitious and has not been found in the A1-Cu-Fe alloy thus far. This implies that the incommensurate composite structure that shows two independent periodicities along the same direction may have some inherent relation with quasiperiodicity.YFC thanks Professor Renhui Wang and Dr J G Wen for useful discussions. Lett. 63, 49-55. DUNEAU, M. & KATZ, A. (1985). Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2688-2691. EESER, V. (1986. Acta Cryst. A42, 36-43. FENG, Y. C., Lo, G., YE, H. Q., Kuo, K. H., WITHER, R. L. & VAN TENDELOO, G. (1990). J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 2, 9749-9755. JANNER, A. & JANSSEN, T. (1980). Acta Cryst. A36, 408-415. KALUGIN, A., KITAEV, A. & LEVITOV, L. (1985). Pis'maZh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 41, 119-121. KRAMER, P. & NERI, R. (1984). Acta Cryst. A40, 580-587. DE (1974). Acta Cryst. A30, 777-785. WOLFF, P. M. DE (1977). Acta Cryst. A33, 493-497. YAMAMOTO, A. & HIRAGA, K. (1988). Phys. Rev. B, 37, 6207-6214. Acta Cryst. (1992) .
AbstractA homogeneous distribution of SiO2 precipitates in Czochralski-grown silicon containing different amounts of oxygen were produced by annealing the dislocation-free crystals at 1023 K. The resulting long-* Present address: Seikei University, Department of Economics, Kichijojikita-machi 3-3-1, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180, Japan.0108-7673/92/060804-16506.00 range strain field modifies the integrated reflecting power R of the Bragg reflections measured on an absolute scale with 316 keV y-radiation. The thickness dependence of R has been modelled using the results of statistical dynamical theory. The assumption made in Kato's original theory, where the correlation length F for the wave-field amplitudes is proportional to the extinction length, has to be abandoned.© 1992 International Union of Crystallography J. R. SCHNEIDER, R. BOUCHARD, H. A. GRAF AND H. NAGASAWA 805 Recent modifications to statistical dynamical theory by Becker & A1 Haddad [Acta Cryst. (1990). A46, 123-139] lead to e...