Quantification of molecular diffusion with steady state free precession (SSFP) is complicated by the fact that diffusion effects accumulate over several repetition times (TR) leading to complex signal dependencies on transverse and longitudinal magnetization paths. This issue is commonly addressed by setting TR > T 2 , yielding strong attenuation of all higher modes, except of the shortest ones. As a result, signal attenuation from diffusion becomes T 2 independent but signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and sequence efficiency are remarkably poor. In this work, we present a new approach for fast in vivo steady state free precession diffusion-weighted imaging of cartilage with TR << T 2 offering a considerable increase in signal-to-noise ratio and sequence efficiency. At a first glance, prominent coupling between magnetization paths seems to complicate quantification issues in this limit, however, it is observed that diffusion effects become rather T 2 (DD 1/10 DT 2 ) but not T 1 independent (DD~1/2 DT 1 ) for low flip angles a~10 2 15°. As a result, fast high-resolution (0. The dynamic displacement of water on cellular dimensions provides a unique insight into tissue structure, microstructure, and organization. As a result, diffusionweighted imaging (DWI) has become a highly sensitive and specific tool for the detection of pathological changes in tissue. While echo planar imaging (1) is the current gold standard for DWI of the brain (2), its rather poor achievable spatial resolution and coverage for tissues with short transverse relaxation times (T 2 ) has pushed the development of several other DWI techniques, some of them using the diffusion sensitivity of steady state free precession (SSFP) to a single, unbalanced gradient (see Fig. 1a; Refs. 3-7). Due to short repetition times (TR < T 2 ), as commonly used with SSFP, the steady state signal is composed of many different transverse and longitudinal paths or modes including stimulated echoes. As a result, especially the ''echo'' in nonbalanced SSFP (i.e., the refocused signal immediately preceding the radiofrequency pulse) is very sensitive to diffusion and represents a unique alternative to traditional echo planar imaging-based DWI. The FID (i.e., the signal immediately following the radiofrequency pulse) is generally not used, since its sensitivity to diffusion in tissues is quite low.Several models have been developed for the description of diffusion effects in SSFP (4,8-10), most of them being based on the seminal work of Kaiser, Bartholdi, and Ernst (KBE) (8). In MRI, besides semiempirical approaches, such as the one presented by Le Bihan (4), the extension of the KBE ansatz to pulsed gradient SSFP by Wu and Buxton (9,10) is generally well accepted and several research groups have reported DWI with SSFPEcho (for complete review, see Ref. 7). Quantification of diffusion, however, is complicated by contributions of many different echoes leading to complicated dependencies on relaxation times (T 1,2 ) and sequence parameters (TR, flip angle). Nevertheless, quantifi...