We have studied a model of self-attracting walk proposed by Sapozhnikov using Monte Carlo method. The mean square displacement R 2 (t) ∼ t 2ν and the mean number of visited sites S(t) ∼ t k are calculated for one-, two-and three-dimensional lattice. In one dimension, the walk shows diffusive behaviour with ν = k = 1/2. However, in two and three dimension, we observed a non-universal behaviour, i.e., the exponent ν varies continuously with the strength of the attracting interaction.
1There is great interest in random walks and interacting walks [1,2,3]. The mean square displacement of a random walk, R 2 (t) follows a power-law R 2 (t) ∼ t 2ν . The ordinary random walk(RW) is diffusive, with ν = 1/2, in all dimensions. For a walk with repulsion, such as self-avoiding walk(SAW), the exponent ν is greater than 1/2. Random walk on a fractal is anomalous with ν < 1/2 [2,3]. Various models of interacting walks have been studied, such as true self-avoiding walk [4,5], generalized true SAW[6], the Domb-Joyce model [7], and an interacting walk with a weight factor p for each new site that the random walker visits [8,9]. A comparative study of interacting random walk models was performed by Duxbury et.al. [10,11].Recently, Sapozhikov proposed a generalized walk in which the probability for the walker to jump to a given site is proportional to p = exp(−nu), where n = 1 for the sites visited by the walker at least once and n = 0 for other sites [12]. If u < 0, the walker is attracted to its own trajectory. This walk is called a self-attracting walk(SATW). Monte Carlo studies have suggested that ν < 1/2 for u = −1 and u = −2 on two dimension and 1/4 < ν < 1/3 on three dimension [12]. However, Aarão Reis obtained non-universal behaviour of the SATW in one to four dimension using exact enumeration method [13]. Prasad et.al. concluded that the SATW in one dimension is diffusive [14].In the present comment we report results of a Monte Carlo simulation for the self-attracting walk in one, two and three dimension. We find that SATW in one dimension is diffusive. However, SATW in two and three dimension shows non-universal behaviour. Monte Carlo simulations were performed on one dimensional lattice (10 6 -steps with 2000-configurational averages for each parameter u), square lattice (10 6 -steps with 2000-averages), and cubic lattice (10 5 -steps with 2000-averages). The lattice sizes used in this simulation were L = 10 6 (1D), 1024×1024 (2D) and 200×200×200(3D). We always used the periodic boundary conditions. We calculated the mean square displacement R 2 (t) and the mean number of visited sites S(t) . Fig. 1 (a) shows the log-log plot of the mean square displacement against the time. We obtained the exponent by a least-square fit: ν = 0.500 (7) for u = 0, ν = 0.500(9) for u = −0.5, ν = 0.499(8) for u = −1.0, and ν = 0.498(9) for u = −2.0. All the lines are parallel in the large-time limit. These results means that SATW in one dimension is diffusive and support the conclusions of Prasad et.al.[14]. This diffusive behaviour is furth...