We study the effect of microdesigned composite geometries on pattern formation during the catalytic oxidation of CO on Pt-Ti, Pt-Rh, and Pt-Pd composite catalysts. In particular, we find experimentally (and rationalize through modeling) that adsorbate surface transport through the second (active) component drastically affects the shapes and interactions of concentration patterns (traveling pulses) observed on pure Pt. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.6038 PACS numbers: 82.40.Bj, 05.45.-a, 82.40.Np, 82.45.Jn The use, over the last ten years, of spatially resolving techniques such as photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) [1], and others [2,3], has allowed the real-time, in situ observation of spatiotemporal pattern formation on catalytic surfaces. These observations have important implications for the understanding of the transport and reaction mechanisms underlying catalytic reactions. At the same time, the generic features of the instabilities and bifurcations involved have made catalytic reactions a fruitful model medium for the study of such phenomena, leading to insights for pattern forming systems at large. A recent promising research avenue is the use of microfabrication techniques to construct microreacting domains with controlled shapes and sizes. The boundaries of these domains can be inert: in our case 2000 Å "tall" Ti walls, presumably oxidizing to TiO 2 under reaction conditions, which can be thought of as no-flux, inert, insulating boundaries. Shape, size, and dimensionality effects have been systematically studied on such microdesigned, inert boundary surfaces [4,5]. More recently, active boundaries are being constructed: the domains that surround the active Pt catalyst are no more inert, tall walls; they are, instead, covered by relatively thin layers (50-300 Å height) of another catalyst (e.g., Pd, Rh) [6][7][8]. The motivation behind the fabrication of these composite catalysts is the desire to combine different catalytic activities through surface transport (modulated through geometrical design) to improve the overall catalyst activity/selectivity [9,10].In this paper we study a crucial intermediate step of this program: an active, pattern forming catalyst [Pt(110) in the excitable regime], surrounded by an active, nonpattern forming catalyst (in our case Rh or Pd). Related studies with a passive "just diffusion, no reaction" companion medium have recently been reported [11,12].The evaporated, active, nonpattern forming catalyst effectively serves as an alternative supply for some of the reactants to the active, pattern forming one (the Pt). This additional source of reactants by surface diffusion through the interface boundary can drastically affect the shape, interactions, and speed of the patterns (pulses) on the Pt. The effect can be tuned through design of the composite geometry and the choice of its metal components.We study CO oxidation in the 400-480 K temperature range for partial pressure of oxygen of 4 3 10 24 mbar and for CO pressures in the 10 25 mbar range. The surfaces we emplo...