A major benefit of supplementing non-ruminant feedstuffs with exogenous enzymes is presumed to be the degradation of plant cell-wall polysaccharides to metabolizable monosaccharide residues. In the present study, metabolic fates of (U-'4C-labelled, 10 mM) glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose and arabinose were compared in the fowl, by measuring recoveries of 14C radioactivity in exhaled carbon dioxide, excreta and body tissues after administration either by wing vein (iv) or into the crop (ic). A further comparison was made with a tube-fed, enzyme-treated, U-'4C-labelled cell-wall substrate, Festuca avundinacea, and a final experiment tested possible competition for absorption between different cell-wall residues. Delays between iv and ic treatments in recovery of 14C in CO,, which were assumed to reflect intestinal absorption, indicated that xylose was absorbed more slowly than glucose and galactose, but faster than mannose and arabinose. Total recoveries of 14C in CO, and excreta over the whole test period indicated that metabolizabilities were highest with glucose, galactose and mannose, and lowest with arabinose. After testing, 14C recovery in caecal contents was highest with ic arabinose, and recoveries in body tissues, with all sugar treatments, were in the order liver > breast and leg muscle > abdominal fat > plasma. Results with the Festuca substrate showed similar patterns of recovery in body tissues and confirmed an increase in metabolizability with addition of enzymes. The timing of the 14C02 response with Festuca and a wet enzyme pretreatment was broadly similar to a 'predicted Festuca' response, based on the composition of the substrate and the measured responses with individual (ic) monosaccharides. There was no evidence of any competition for absorption or metabolism among cellwall residues. It was concluded that glucose release from cellulose is potentially the most important product of cell-wall degradation to contribute to enzyme enhancement of metabolizable energy.Cell-wall degradation : Monosaccharide metabolism : Enzyme supplementation : FowlIn recent experiments reported elsewhere (Savory, 1992), effects of exogenous enzyme supplementation on degradation of plant cell walls to metabolizable monosaccharide residues were assessed in vivo in domestic fowls. This was done by tube-feeding birds U-'"C-labelled cell-wall substrates, with and without various enzyme treatments, and monitoring recovery of 14C radioactivity in exhaled CO, and excreta in the following 8 h. On average, about 19-61 % of the total 14C activity that was tube-fed, depending on substrate and treatment, remained unaccounted for at the end of the 8 h test period. It was suggested that some of this activity could still have been in contents of the hind-gut but that most was probably in body tissues.To determine metabolic fates of enzyme-degraded cell-wall residues in more detail, further similar trials in the present study were conducted in which measurements were made of I4C activity in contents of the hind-gut and body tissues...