Cadogan, D. J., Choct, M. and Campbell, R. G. 2003. Effects of storage time and exogenous xylanase supplementation of new season wheats on the performance of young male pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 83: 105-112. A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the influence of new season wheats on pig growth performance. Experiments were carried out on 10 different wheats at the time of harvest and 10 mo post-harvest. At harvest wheat, at a 65% level in the steam-pelleted diets, influenced (P < 0.01) feed intake and daily gain over a 21-d trial. Thus, feed intake and daily gain of pigs offered the lowest and highest quality wheats varied by 47 and 48%, respectively. There was, however, no effect on feed conversion ratio (FCR), even though dry matter (DM) digestibility and digestible energy (DE) values of different wheats differed significantly (P < 0.01 and P < 0.01, respectively). The non-starch carbohydrate (NSC) level of the wheats was measured as the sum of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and free sugars. The NSC level of the wheats negatively affected feed intake (r 2 = -0.556: P < 0.01) and daily gain (r 2 = -0.574: P < 0.01). After 10 mo of storage, the feed intake and daily gain of the pigs fed the same wheats were significantly (P < 0.01) higher, but not all the wheats responded to storage. A xylanase product was added to three of the 10 mo-old wheats, which were precharacterized as low, medium and high intake wheats. The enzyme increased (P < 0.01) daily gain and feed intake of the pigs fed the low-quality wheat by 50.6 and 42.8%, respectively. It may be concluded that the nutritive value of wheat for weaner pigs varies widely and appears to be related to the level of NSC and the cell wall structure of the grain. On n'a cependant relevé aucune incidence sur l'indice de consommation, malgré une variation significative de la digestibilité de la matière sèche et de la quantité d'énergie digestible entre les différentes sortes de blé (P < 0,01 et P < 0,01, respectivement). On a dosé la concentration d'hydrates de carbone autres que l'amidon (HCAA) dans le blé en additionnant la concentration de polysaccharides sauf l'amidon et de sucres libres. La teneur en HCAA du blé agit négativement sur la prise alimentaire (r 2 = -0,556; P < 0,01) et sur le gain quotidien (r 2 = -0,574; P < 0,01). Après dix mois de stockage, on remarque une hausse significative (P < 0,01) de la prise alimentaire et du gain quotidien des porcs nourris avec les mêmes sortes de blé, mais ces dernières ne répondent pas toutes de la même façon à l'entreposage. On a ajouté de la xylanase à trois blés vieux de dix mois se caractérisant par une faible, une moyenne et une forte prise alimentaire des animaux. L'enzyme a respectivement accru (P < 0,01) le gain quotidien et la prise alimentaire des porcs recevant le blé de piètre qualité de 50,6 % et de 42,8 %. On pourrait en conclure que la valeur nutritive du blé varie considérablement pour les porcs sevrés et semble s'associer à la concentration de HCAA ainsi qu'à la structure de la paroi cell...